Whats On

6-7 pm
Mens Group
TX Martial ArtsTai ChiFish and Chip
See dates
Various eventsNorthern Soul
Dates t.b.c.
YogaTX Martial Arts
Normal weekly classes and groups

Class & Group Details


Yoga with Sasha

Yoga class- gentle flowing style of yoga, suitable for all levels and abilities. Mondays 6-7 pm, term time only.

Online option and recordings available. £7 per session if paid weekly or £5.50 if paid termly.

Please contact Sasha Tiffany on 07949022779 or email sashatiffany@yahoo.com to book or request more details. 


Mens Group

Men@eccy is an Older Men’s Group who meet here at the Mechanics Institute every Tuesday morning, 10.00am – 12.00. 

The group is aimed at older Men who have, or who are, going through a difficult time in their life and who need a little support or companionship. They also run a Befriending Service for those older Men who cannot get to the group, run by men for men.

The weekly sessions cost £2 and include refreshments.  We also offer gentle exercise, pool, dominoes, quiz, guest speakers.  Monthly trips are organised with an additional cost. 

All activities are optional and there is no pressure to join in.  If you are an older guy (over 50), feel free to pop in; upstairs in the Main Hall.

For more information contact Pauline Bland 01274 292100

Email: Men@eccleshill.org


TX Martial Arts



We train every Thursday at 7pm  (all ages/levels are welcome)

Tai-Chi is enjoyed equally by men and woman. It does not rely on strength or aggression, but instead cultivates relaxation.

Also helps lower high blood pressure, reduces stress and ease the tension of internal organs. These are some of the benefits that Tai-Chi can offer.

Contact Susie on 07912140893 or via e-mail susie.entwistle@hotmail.com